Thursday, January 12, 2012

Change your Thoughts and Change your World...

I watched two wonderful movies this week which I highly recommend:

"You Can Heal Your Life" (DVD)

This film not only gives insights into Louise Hay's personal journey (which is fascinating and inspirational) but gives a clear understanding of the power of our thoughts and emotional vibrations we hold within ourselves and how they directly affect the outcomes of our reality.  (You can also find this film in most public libraries.)

"The Shift" (DVD)
Starring Dr. Wayne Dyer
Written by Kristen Lazarian

This film is presented as part documentary interview with Dr. Dyer set against a backdrop of an intertwined storyline featuring actors.   Its very interesting and very good.  Wayne Dyer communicates in an easy and comfortable manner, clearly relaying his thoughts, beliefs and experiences.  Small, seemingly impercetible shifts in our consciousness lay the groundwork for grander changes in the landscape of our lives. (You can also find this film in most public libraries.)

My personal thoughts ....

As a Christian, I eschew most of what is considered "New Age" ideology and teachings, they can and often do come from a place of negative influence (psychics, mediums, etc.) and can be very detrimental to spiritual health, however principles of thought are grounded in Judeo-Christian beliefs and scripture...Proverbs 23:7 states: "For as he thinks in his heart, so is he" (which is translated more succinctly to "As you think, so shall you be".  This is not to say that every difficult or adversarial situation that appears in our lives is a direct result of our thinking; we live in a world where other people do come against us and create difficult situations within the space we live, or we may need to experience certain adversities to teach us valuable lesson and provide a path to greater growth.  Many times a great adversity in our life is in disguise, allowing God's blessings to be shown and come into your life in a much greater way.  While we cannot control what other people think or do, and we cannot change all of the things that may come upon our path through random forces, we can absolutely change how we react or think about them.  We have incredible power in our minds.

"What you think and what you believe is what will come true for you --- your thoughts create your life."

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